Students wishing to enrol on this course should be able to demonstrate a keen interest and a sound understanding of the Alexander Technique and will have undertaken a reasonable number of private Alexander Lessons.
Applicants will, if possible, visit the school, and have lesson(s) and an interview with the Head of Training who will assess their suitability for training. Students who are ready to enrol will need to fill out a detailed application form.
Course fees are at present (2023/24) a total of £2,510 per term, which includes all tuition. The fee is paid at the beginning of each term and can rise periodically over the course of the three-year training. This increase will occur no more than once per year, and will normally take place in the Autumn term.
Trainees are obliged to join STAT as student members. They are required to pay a subscription to STAT, currently £112, payable in two instalments.
The trainee will be entitled to receive copies of Statnews and The Alexander Journal, attend the AGM as non-voting member and receive advice and information from the STAT office.
We welcome prospective students to contact us, and arrange a visit or a lesson, or simply to discuss the various options for training.