The Training Team

The Trainers at the Alexander Teacher Training School are highly experienced teachers of the Alexander Technique, and members of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT). Our team brings expertise from a variety of backgrounds including drama, music, performance, medical, complementary health, maternity care, corporate and media. Visiting experts and trainers are also invited to teach and offer workshops.

Anthony Kingsley BSc MA MSTAT


Anthony Kingsley

Anthony Kingsley has been training Teachers since 1987 when he assisted Misha Magidov on his training course until 2003. In 2004, Anthony opened the Alexander Teacher Training School.

In 2000, he qualified as a psychotherapist. This specialisation has deepened his understanding of the mind-body link in the Alexander Technique.

Anthony provides ongoing training for Alexander Technique teachers who wish to enhance their professional skills. He gives workshops and seminars on the technique to the general public in the United Kingdom and abroad.

He has envisioned a powerful trauma-informed approach to the Alexander Technique. Anthony integrates recent advances in neuroscience, neurobiology, somatic therapy into his practice. Of particularly note are the contributions of Steven Porges on the Polyvagal Theory, Gabor Mate on Compassionate Enquiry, and Bessel Van de Kok on healing from trauma.

Anthony was honoured to have written the introduction to Alexander’s republished (2018) classic text The Use of the Self, (1932).

He also presents the instructional dvd “From Stress To Freedom With The Alexander Technique”, available at Amazon.


Paul MoorePaul started having AT lessons in 1987. After qualifying in 1993, Paul was invited on many occasions to teach at the North London Teachers’ Training Course, and was also accepted as a full-time teacher by STAT to teach in Alexander schools. Paul has given many lectures on the Alexander Technique, for instance at Adult Education Centres, at various Training Schools as well as to students at the Royal Academy of  Music, (RAM).

Paul has also been a regular teacher at the Wells Cathedral School and the Purcell School.

In 1998 Paul became Head of Department at the Royal Academy of Music. Because of his musical background he has become associated with teaching musicians, but he also has a thriving private practice at home where he teaches a wide range of ages and professions. He still plays and teaches the double bass where he finds the Alexander Technique an invaluable tool.

Delphine Miller BA Dip COT MSTAT

Delphine MillerDelphine has roots in the performing arts stretching back to her time at the Art’s Educational School. She holds professional qualifications in Drama and Psychology, Occupational Therapy as well as in the Alexander Technique. After qualifying, Delphine worked for a number of years as a teacher trainer on Misha Magidov’s North London Teacher Training Course before becoming a member of the training team at Anthony Kingsley’s ATTS in central London.

Alongside her busy private practice in Crouch End, North London, Delphine has worked as a resident Alexander Teacher at the Bloomsbury Alexander Centre. She also has run workshops in adult education institutes. Linking with her work at senior level in the NHS she has collaborated on an innovative research project on the benefits of Alexander Technique for people with M.E./Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and gave an invitational lecture on the Alexander Technique to the Osteoporosis Society at the Royal Free Hospital.

Though practice and study she has developed a specialised knowledge in the application of the Alexander Technique to pregnancy and childbirth, and she currently provides seminars on this topic as part of the training offered at the ATTS.

John Crawford BA MSTAT

John CrawfordJohn Crawford graduated from the Royal College of music and worked for many years as a professional violinist, including ten years with the BBC symphony orchestra.

An increasing interest in problems of co-ordination experienced by many musicians led him to train as an A.T. teacher with Ellie and Peter Ribeaux. Since graduating from there he has combined a performing career with an extensive teaching practice. He is on the staff at Trinity College of music, the Purcell school, and the Royal College junior department, and was for many years an assistant at the Ribeaux’s school.

Carlos Monteiro  MSTAT

Carlos MonteiroCarlos recently finished his course as an Alexander trainer. He was introduced to the work 15 years ago when he undertook a drama course and performance arts workshops related to voice and presentation skills. He has been working in the family business for almost ten years and realised the importance of the Alexander Technique as a vehicle to control stress, anxiety and well-being in decision making.

Over the last year, he introduced the Alexander Technique to a drama school in Portugal – Escola Superior Artística do Porto. He is keen in teaching people from all walks of life.


Sophie Raitz BSc (OST)

Sophie runs the ATTS module on anatomy, physiology, and functional movement. She graduated from the British School of Osteopathy (BSO), and is a practicing osteopath. She has worked both in the private sector and for the NHS. Sophie has taught as a clinical tutor at the BSO and on a number of courses for students training in yoga and other physical disciplines.

She has worked closely with the leading voice specialist in the osteopathic world, Jacob Lieberman.

Dr Roger Wolman MD FRCP FFSEM

Dr. Roger Wolman is consultant reumatologist at the Royal National Orthopedic Hospital in Bolsover Street in central London. He specializes in sports injuries, and work-related disorders, and consults to the British Olympic Team. Dr. Wolman is an invaluable resource for the school, and offers lectures and seminars in muscular-skeletal problems on the anatomy and physiology module.

Dr Brian Kaplan MD FFHom

Dr. Brian Kaplan leads the ATTS seminars on holistic medicine and integrated health. He is a GP and renowned homeopath.

Brian is also one of the few practitioners of provocative therapy, a technique that utilizes humour in a therapeutic context.


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“ Alexander Training has turned my dream into a reality. Anthony Kingsley is an inspiring teacher and his training team is fantastic. ”


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